* 2024 ANNUAL MEETING: TOOK place on Saturday, July 6th @ 2 pm in the Tribal Center.
* Reminder - Fireworks are not allowed to be fired in the Tidelands; Jacobson Jetty is a recommended location.
* Fireworks Hot Line: 360-533-8765
* For Burn Conditions, go to www.dnr.wa.gov/burn-restrictions or phone 360-875-9356
* Silt in water lines - see Water Mgr note in column to right.
*Berm Restoration project: Completed
* To contact Dexter send an e-mail to Information.Dexter@gmail.com
Dexter Board of Directors:
President: Mark Keire
Vice President: Jay Lanphier
Treasurer: Keith Hanson
206-818-4527; keith@thenctech.com
Asst. Treasurer: Cheryl Dobes
Secretary: David Rogers
Asst Sec: Diana Barber-Bones
Web Site Manager: Tom Larsen
Members at Large: Frank Porembski, and Carol Stibbie
Community Watch Coordinator:
contact Carol Stibbie
Dexter-By-The-Sea and the Dexter Development Company, Inc.
Dexter-By-The-Sea is an unincorporated community of Pacific County in Washington State, located on the Tokeland Peninsula, bordered by Willapa Bay and the Pacific Ocean. With over 260 square miles of water surface, Willapa Bay is the second largest estuary on the Pacific Coast. Washington's South Beach, which includes Tokeland, is a remarkably beautiful and diverse area, known for long stretches of sandy beaches ripe for clamming, crabbing or just beach combing - a birders paradise - there's abundant deep sea and fresh water fishing as well as kayaking, kiting, ocean or wind surfing, plus hiking in coastal hills or peddling on regional trails ... then after exploring, relax, visit a brewery or winery, dine in "come-as-you-are" wear or simply breathe out and watch the tide flow in and out.
Dexter receives electrical service from Grays Harbor Public Utility District, fire response from North Cove’s Fire Department (Fire District #5), kids attend public schools of the Ocosta School District, community roads are maintained by Pacific County, law enforcement provided by the Pacific County Sheriff’s department and artisan water from the Olympic aquifer is provided by the Dexter Development Co. The Shoalwater Tribal Reservation is Dexter’s neighbor to the north, east and west; residential properties border Dexter’s southern boundary. Dexter is composed primarily of full and part time residents, though the U.S. Post Office occupies one lot, the Shoalwater Tribe owns a low percentage of lots and Dexter owns one lot where water well, storage tank and pump house are located. Dexter owns one tideland property, and for Dexter residents, Dexter does own three easements to access the tidelands. Prior to the late sixties, Dexter was largely a single property, supporting a family oriented resort, known as Dexter-By-The-Sea. The Dexter community is now composed of 99 taxable lots and as you read previously, primarily individually owned.
To provide a secure source of water for the community of Dexter-By-The-Sea, the Dexter Development Company, Inc. (Dexter Water Association) was created, a non-profit corporation, registered in Washington State. The Dexter Development Company is responsible for providing water to all Dexter properties and customers, maintaining fire hydrant water pressure, responsible for Dexter's street lighting and establishing operating rules (see By-Laws and Water Policy documents linked to this web site) that satisfy Federal, State, County and all applicable regulations. The Dexter Development Company is operated by the Dexter Water Association Board of Directors. Board members must be Dexter property owners and elected by the members of Dexter-By-The-Sea, members whom are Dexter property owners. The Board establishes yearly Water Association fees, assessed per lot, based upon a projected budget, as well as setting other related fees (see Fee Table). The Dexter Water Manager is Dexter's primary contact regarding water quality, leaks and general maintenance of the Dexter water system.
Tokeland/North Cove Volunteer Fire Department: For information contact Frank Porembski, kpafrank@comcast.net
Dexter Community Watch Program: For information contact Carol Stibbie, cmadlivesimply@gmail.com
Tokeland and Dexter-By-The-Sea resident Artist:
* Jeffro Uitto: Driftwood Artist ... jeffrouitto.com
DEXTER ANNUAL MEETING - if a Proxy vote form is needed
* PROXY VOTE form:
Proxy Vote: I (your name) __________________________________ Allow (proxy's name): _____________________________________________ to vote on my behalf at the __________
Dexter General Meeting. Your Signature: Your Dexter Property Address:
______________________________________________________ __________________________________
Your Proxy voter must be a current Dexter property owner and be in attendance at the meeting.
* Please mail your proxy to: Dexter By The Sea, PO Box 487, Tokeland WA 98590 ... Proxy votes received after _______ will not be accepted.
* Notes: All owners are encouraged to attend the Annual Meeting. One owner may represent their combined holdings for voting purposes. Owners of multiple lots are only allowed one vote as defined in the Dexter By Laws.